The Impact of a Gospel-Centred Life – Acts 9:32-43

By John Bellingham on June 23, 2013
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The Impact of a Gospel-Centred Life

Acts 9:32-43

– This passage is a transitional section in the book of Acts which switches the focus from Saul’s ministry in Damascus to Peter’s ministry outside of Jerusalem.

– Luke introduces us here to a wonderful Christian woman named Tabitha who made a dramatic impact the Lord through her life, death and resurrection:


I.       The Impact of Her Life (v. 36)

1)     Tabitha was widely known for being “full of good works and acts of charity”

a.       She was a woman of significant means

b.      She may have hosted the church in her home

c.     Her care for the ‘widow’ reflects the heart of God who seeks justice for the most vulnerable members of society

d.      Tabitha embodies true Biblical womanhood (cf. Proverbs 31:20)

2)     Luke intentionally affirms the role of women within the Local Church (Tabitha, Lydia, Pricilla)

3)     Do we have a reputation for ‘words’ or ‘works’?

a.       We are saved by grace alone through faith alone (Eph 2:8-9)

b.      The faith that truly saves is always accompanied by good works.  (Eph 2:10)


II. The Impact of Her Death (vv. 37-40)

1)     The widows of the church were deeply grieved because of their tremendous loss

2)     The Church was exercising amazing faith!

a.       The hopeful disciples send for Peter

b.      Tabitha’s body is laid in the upper room of the house in anticipation of a miracle

c.       Peter comes to them with no arm-twisting

3)     Do we serve the Church of Jesus Christ in such a way that our departure would be deeply grieved by the entire body?


III. The Impact of Her Resurrection (vv. 41-43)

1)     This miracle connects Peter’s ministry with the ministries of Jesus (cf. Luke 8:41-55), Elijah (1 Kings 17:17-24) and Elisha (2 Kings 4:32-37)

2)     The miracle of Tabitha’s resurrection advanced the gospel mission of the Church in Joppa

Do people here in Welland know that you’ve been raised from death to life?

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