- Feb2
New Wine – New Covenant – John 2:1-12Speaker: John Bellingham
Tags: Covenant, Jesus, John, Miracle, sign, The Sign, The Significance, The Situation, Wedding, Wine
- Jan26
Come and See! – John 1:35-51Speaker: John Bellingham
Tags: Andrew, Can anything good come out of Nazareth, Jesus, John, Nathaniel, What are you seeking, Where are you staying
- Jan19
Mistaken Identity – part2 – John 1:19-34Speaker: John Bellingham
Tags: John, The Master, The Messianic Lamb, The Son of God, The Spirit Baptizer, Who is Jesus
- Jan12
Mistaken Identity – part1 – John 1:19-34Speaker: John Bellingham
Tags: Elijah, John, The Forerunner, The Messiah, The Prophet, Who is John
- Jan5
To Live Is Christ and To Die Is Gain – Philippians 1:12-21Speaker: Laurence Leriger
Tags: Paul rejoices in his sure expectation, Paul rejoices in prison, Paul rejoices when slandered, Philippians