Focusing on the Mission Part 2: Reaching In – 1 Corinthians 12

By John Bellingham on September 7, 2014
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Focusing on the Mission Part 2: Reaching In

1 Corinthians 12


– Today we continue our series with a look at 1 Corinthians 12 which helps us to understand what it means to be a member of the body of Christ

I. The Unity of the Body (vv. 1-13)

1)      Paul’s image of the Church as a ‘body’

a)      Paul uses this image in Ephesians 4:15-16 to speak about the universal church

b)      Paul uses this image in 1 Corinthians 12 to speak about the local church

c)      We become members of the universal church through Spirit Baptism and the new birth, but we become members of the local church through Water Baptism and voluntary association (ie. Church Membership).   The New Testament teaches that each born again, baptized member of the universal church is also to be an active member of a local church.

2)      Emphasis on Unity

a)      All Spiritual Gifts are given by Holy Spirit

i)        Distribution of spiritual gifts emphasizes God’s sovereignty

ii)       Distribution of spiritual gifts emphasizes the Spirit’s deity and personhood – He is not a force, but a real person with a real will!

b)      All Spiritual Gifts are given to believers for the common good (v. 7)

II. The Diversity of the Body (vv. 14-20)

1)      Church Unity is not Church Uniformity

a)      Corinthians were exalting some spiritual gifts (ie. tongues) over others, and Paul is writing to correct their error

b)      Uniformity within any local Church will stifle creativity and will eventually lead to death

2)      The ideal model for a healthy church is unity in diversity – one body with many members

a)      The Trinity is our ultimate model  – One God in Three Persons;  One Church with many members

b)      Diversity only leads to disunity when members compete with one another


III. The Necessity of the Body (vv. 21-31)

1)      The Church is Christ’s body on earth – “here is the supreme glory of the Christian man – he is part of the body of Christ upon earth” –William Barclay

a)      The guardian and pillar of truth

b)      The ambassadors of Christ and His Kingdom

c)      Salt and light in a dark world

2)      Membership in the local body guards us against the two sins of pride and envy

3)      Membership in the local body forces us to recognize our interdependence and to forsake our cultural spirit of independence – “To no one does He give all the gifts, lest anyone satisfied with his particular portion should separate himself from others and live solely for himself” – John Calvin

4)      Membership in the local body makes us accountable to spiritual authority

5)      Membership in the body gives us a venue for Christian service

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