Discerning God’s Will – Acts 1:15-26

By John Bellingham on September 23, 2012
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Discerning God’s Will

Acts 1:15-26


  • The Apostle’s use of lots in our text is not to be understood disapprovingly as an act of disobedience, but rather as an act of trust and submission to God’s sovereign will
  • Last week, we saw the Crisis (vv. 15-22) and the Candidates (v. 23) and this week we will examine the Course of Action
  • The Course of Action taken by the Apostles reveals four practical principles in discerning God’s will for our lives


Principle 1:  Scripture  (v. 20)


1. Peter’s first impulse in replacing Judas was to point his fellow Apostles toward the inspired Scriptures

2. All of our decisions in life must be governed by the clear teaching and testimony of God’s Word

  • God’s written Word reveals God’s sovereign will for our lives in a general way
  • There are literally hundreds of principles and commands in the Bible which touch every area of life
  • Our minds must be saturated with Scripture

3. There is a danger of misapplying Scripture

  • Peter’s use of Scripture dealt with a very unique and specific issue that was part of God’s unfolding redemptive plan (ie. Psalm 69 and 109 are actually speaking about Judas in a prophetic way)
  • God’s Word does not spell out all of the specifics of God’s plan for your life (ie. Who you should marry, what job you should take etc.)
  • Do not claim promises from the Bible that do not belong to you! (ie. God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah that they would conceive and have a son)


Principle 2:  Sound Mind (vv. 21-23)

1. Peter and the Apostles used their God-given mind to narrow the field down to two qualified men

2. If you are a Christian you already have the “mind of Christ” (cf. 1 Cor 2:16)

  • The unregenerate mind uses worldly wisdom which operates selfishly
  • The regenerate mind has access to the wisdom from above which seeks God’s Kingdom and righteousness

3. If your mind is saturated with Scripture and you are walking closely with Christ, God will direct your mind to make choices that are glorifying to Him!


Principle 3:  Prayer (vv. 24-25)

1. The Apostles took their difficult decision to the Lord in prayer

2. Prayer is an essential component of discerning God’s will

  • God uses prayer to bend our stubborn will into conformity with His perfect plan for our lives
  • Prayer demonstrates a humble heart that relies on God

3. A Christian who does not pray for God’s wisdom and guidance on a regular basis is setting him/herself up for divine chastening if not for total disaster!


Principle 4:  Trust (vv. 24-25)

1. The casting of lots was a demonstration of trust in God

  • Jesus chose the Apostles so it is appropriate that He choose Judas’ replacement
  • The external method used here is somewhat incidental

2. The casting of lots is divinely sanctioned in the Old Testament

  • Urim and Thummim (cf. Ex 28:30)
  • Proverbs 16:33

3. The casting of lots seems better suited to the pre-Pentecost period before the coming of the Holy Spirit

4. God will never mislead you when you are walking in humble obedience with Him – so choose with trust and confidence!

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