Works of the Flesh, Fruit of the Spirit – Galatians 5:19-26

Published August 23, 2009 by Ron Latulippe in Messages


Works of the Flesh, Fruit of the Spirit

Galatians 5.19-26

The acts of the flesh are obvious…  But the fruit of the Spirit is…    Galatians 5.19, 22


-Context: We must keep the Law to satisfy God.

-We are free in Christ. Law has no power over sin.

-Lawlessness is not an option. Do not indulge the flesh

-Walk in the Spirit and fulfill Law and righteousness.

Two Different Sources

-The flesh: own strength; self-centered motive.

-The Spirit: God’s strength; God’s glory motive.

Two Different Processes

-The flesh: works; chaotic, self-serving, cold, activity.

-The Spirit: fruit; intimate flow of life; steady maturity

The Works of the Flesh Galatians 5.19-21

1) Sexual misconduct: porn; soaps; pure value system

2) False worship: modern idols and time; future trust

3) Broken relationships: rights; bitter resentment

4) Lack of soberness: drunken sprees and partying

(see “Living in the Spirit” by J. MacArthur on wine in the NT)

The Fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5.22-23

Love: a choice to unconditionally seek the highest good for others. 1 Corinthians 13; Galatians 5.6

Joy: Inner contentment. John 15.9-11. Expresses God.

Peace: Tranquility of heart. Expresses God to others.

Patience: Powerful character trait; Longsuffering

Kindness and Goodness: Strong and sweet to others

Faithfulness: Trustworthy; a rare gem

Gentleness: Meekness; power under control; Vital

Self-control: Mastery over our desires and selves


Conclusion Galatians 5.24-26

We have crucified the flesh with its passions & desires.

We live by the Spirit because we have the Spirit in us.

Let us walk in fellowship with the Spirit and not by law or in indulging the flesh.

Choose each moment to yield to the Spirit of God.



[Take some daily quiet time alone with God]

Monday: Read 1 Corinthians 13.1-8. Read vs 4 to 8a again and personalize them: I am patient, I am kind… Take time to praise God for His Love for you and in you and enjoy it today.

Tuesday: Think about Romans 5.1-5. We have peace with God, we stand in the Grace of God, and God has poured His Love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which He has given to us. Take time to thank God for His peace and grace and love and live in them today.

Wednesday: Read Romans 8.28-39. All is good because we love Him and He loves us. Take time to ask God for greater understand and experience of His Love.

Thursday: Meditate on Romans 1.18-32. Another description of the flesh. Take time to thank God that you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit and live in Him.

Friday: Think about Joshua 24.14-27. Choose to serve God in holiness and love and then yield to the Spirit in each circumstance of life. Take time to worship God today and have regular fellowship with God to keep God’s perspective and to receive His strength.

The Greek word agape (love) seems to have been virtually a Christian invention — a new word for a new thing. Agape draws its meaning directly from the revelation of God in Christ. It is not a form of natural affection, however, intense, but a supernatural fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22). It is a matter of will rather than feeling (for Christians must love even those they dislike — Matt. 5:44-48). It is the basic element in Christ-likeness.


Works of the Flesh and the Fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5.19-26

-We have been contrasting the flesh and the Spirit.

-In verses 19 to 23 Paul describes more fully what results from indulging the flesh and walking in the Spirit. …In verses 19 to 21, Paul gives us some of the outcomes of the flesh. …In verses 22-23, Paul tells us what is produced by walking in the Spirit.

-Let me point out two differences in Paul’s description of the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit before we take a closer look at the descriptions under each group.

-First the different sources. …The source of the first group is the flesh. …The flesh depends on its own strength to accomplish its works. …Not only is the flesh self-sourced, it is also self-centered, marked with the effects of sin and rebellion against God. …By its very source the flesh can produce no good thing before God. …The flesh does not have the power to produce righteousness and love, nor the intention to produce righteousness and love.

-The source of the second group is the Spirit. …The Spirit of truth, the Spirit of holiness, the Spirit of love is the source of the second group. …The Spirit works with God’s strength to accomplish its task. …The Spirit is outside of me and greater than me. …Not only is the Spirit God-sourced, it is also selfless, determined to lift up Jesus Christ and God the Father, and to glorify God in all things. …By its very source the Spirit has power to produce all that is pleasing and glorifies God, and His intention is to please and glorify God.

-We have two sources and the question is which source will you yield to?

-Second the different processes. …Paul describes the first group as works of the flesh. …Works is plural and speaks of a number of different things going on at the same time, a kind of chaotic mayhem of activity that is self-generated and uncontrolled, with each activity seeking to please Self. …Works also disconnects us from the heart of love and from human concern, and points to the cold, brutal, self-serving activities described in this group.

-Paul describes the second group with the word fruit. …Fruit is singular and speaks of unity, order, co-operation and fullness. …Fruit pictures a long term ongoing process which requires intimate connection and the flow of life form vine, to branch, to fruit. …Fruit pictures slow but steady maturity unto fullness, attractiveness, and what is able to nourish others.

-We have two processes that can work in us and the question is which source do you want to be at work in you?

-Under the works of the flesh Paul lists 15 items and could have easily listed more, but with these 15 makes the point that the flesh leads to actions that sin against God. …We can divide these 15 items into 4 groupings. …The NIV helps us to do this by putting semi-colons after each group.

-The first group focuses on sexual misconduct, “sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery”. …These words describe our society today. …Sexual immorality translates the Greek word porneo and covers a wide range of sexual sins. …Men, when you look at pornography or stare at women who don’t know any better and walk around half undressed, you are sinning against God by indulging the flesh. …Women do soap operas/harlequin romance for false intimacy. (Women who try to make themselves look sexy to be attractive are often making themselves pornographic. True beauty is not to be found in outward adornment and drawing attention to the body but in the beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit. 1 Timothy 2.8-10; 1 Peter 3.3-5) …Impurity means all kinds of filthy sexual behavior not only in actions but in words, thoughts, and desires of the heart. (Ephesians 5.3-7) …Debauchery emphasizes lack of self-control, like a runaway horse, this person is ready to carelessly fulfill any desire, without restraint or care for others.

-Whether you innocently practice what the world calls soft porn, or false intimacy in your mind, or gross indecency, God calls all these things works of the flesh and condemns them and says “that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God”.

-Let me encourage you to go beyond a pure behavior and develop a value system of purity, a Biblical world view of purity, which governs your mind, dress, books, jokes, conversations, music, TV programs, etc…

-The second group focuses on false worship, “idolatry and witchcraft”. …Idolatry is the worship of anything or anyone that is not the true God. …The NT calls immorality and greed, idolatry. …Today we can worship pleasure, or money, or work, or things. …Use of time and resources is a good factor in determining idolatry. …Witchcraft is the Greek word pharmakea from which we get our word pharmacy, a mixer of drugs. …Witchcraft is the use of potions, incantations, charms and superstitions to control circumstances or future outcomes. …In the OT rebellion is equated with the sin of witchcraft. …Witchcraft is a trust in powers that are in opposition to trust in God. …Do you follow your daily horoscope even for fun or have your palm read or go to a fortune teller?

-What do you spend your time on? …What controls your heart? …Where is your trust for the future?

-The third group of the works of the flesh focus on broken relationships, “hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy”. …Hatred is personal hostility and discord is the arguing that results. …Jealousy is a desire to possess and fits of rage are explosive outbursts of hot angry passion and fiery flashes of rage. …These manifestations of anger and hostility show a concentration on self, and rights, and possessions, and comforts which Paul describes as selfish ambitions. …The flesh often tries to rally support for its selfish ambitions and through that causes dissensions and factions, party spirits which cause divisions and splits in groups as it tries to raise support for its own cause.

-This third group closes with the word envy. …Envy is not so much a desire to have what someone else has (jealousy) but a desire to take away what someone is enjoying. …Envy is bitter resentment over the blessings of others which causes a person to “waste away”, which is the root meaning of this Greek word. …Envy is what caused Cain to kill Abel, and Saul to seek to kill David, and the older brother in the parable of the Prodigal son to speak evil of his brother and father, and the Pharisees to kill Jesus. …Envy is being eaten away inside because someone else is enjoying life. …Envy is uglyyyyy.

-This selfish, quarrelsome, bitter, demanding, angry behavior is of the flesh and is an indication of not walking in the Spirit.

-The last group of the works of the flesh focus on a lack of soberness, “drunkenness and orgies”. …Contrary to what you might think drunkenness was not common in NT times and was looked down upon. …The wine at that time was watered down to prevent drunkenness. …For a good historical review of wine and drinking in the Bible get the series “Living in the Spirit” by John MacArthur. …Drunken sprees and unrestrained partying are forbidden in Scripture.

-Let me remind you one more time as the Bible so often does that those who practice these kinds of behavior will not inherit the kingdom of God. …No matter how much a person may object to God’s standards, it is still God who will have the final word and the power to carry out His judgments. …Remember that God knows the secret sins that we practice. …We can deceive others and we can even deceive ourselves but God is never fooled. …Don’t fool around with God. …You might as well play Russian roulette or play catch with a jar of nitro-glycerin.

-Now we come to the 9 fruit of the Spirit led off with agape the Greek word for unconditional love. …Agape love is the motive and the end product of this whole list of godly virtues that result as I continually yield to the Spirit’s influence and work in my life. …Study love in 1 Corinthians 13. …Agape love always seeks the highest good for the other person. …Agape love is as much a choice of the will as a motive of the heart. …Faith expressing itself through love is a good definition of Christianity. (Galatians 5.6)

-Next comes joy. …Joy is more than circumstantial happiness, it is an inner contentment that continues in all circumstances and is fed by our relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ. …Jesus said in John 15.9-11, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” …Remain in love by obeying Jesus and receive His joy. …Paul said, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice”. …As agape love is to be an expression of the love of God to those around us, so our joy is an expression of the faithfulness of God to those around us as they see our joy in Christ in all the circumstances of life. …Martyn Lloyd-Jones writes that the one major factor that prevents unbelievers from coming to Christ is the joylessness of Christians. …We can add to that hypocrisy and evident unbelief in contrast to what is confessed.

Peace is tranquility of the heart. …Peace also comes from the assurance of knowing our God and His character and promises. …Peace is also a witness to the greatness of God to those around us.

Patience expresses a powerful character trait. …The old KJV translation of this word as “longsuffering” is a good one. …It means to persevere long with people. …There is a Greek word for patience under trial but this word refers to patience with people. …Patience means to suffer the burdens and difficulties of others for a long time. …It means holding back revenge or reaction when that would be justified. …It means slow to anger and is a quality attributed to God in relation to sinners. …Patience shows God in us to others.

Kindness and goodness mean a sweetness to others that is not soppy and wimpy but strong.

Faithfulness means trustworthy, a rare quality these days and one I admire the most in people.

Gentleness is another word that expresses depth of character. …Often it is translated as meekness. …The Greek term describes someone who is submissive, teachable and considerate. …The picture often used to describe this word is a wild horse that is trained so that all its power and strength is at the command of the rider. …Meek does not describe a spineless softy but rather a person who has undergone God’s discipline and has put his strength under God’s control. …Moses was a powerful man in his own unbridled strength and killed a man as part of his attempt to deliver Israel from the bondage of Egypt. …But Moses became a meek man under God’s dealings with him and became a man of great power and authority under God’s direction. …Meekness is essential to character but will require brokenness and yielding to God.

-Finally self-control. …Self-control means mastery of our desires, the power to keep ourselves in check. …It is the opposite of the works of the flesh. …The Christian is truly controlled by God’s Spirit and not just by law, reputation, or personal advantage.

Verses 19 to 23 which contrast the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit are followed by verses 24 to 26. …In these verses Paul indicates that the Christian is to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh, and why the Christian is to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.

-Paul writes that, “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires”. …It is obvious that if the Christian has crucified the flesh along with its passions and desires, then the Christian should no longer do the works of the flesh. …God has put to death the old man and rendered powerless the body of sin (Romans 6.6) so the Christian should now serve God with his body by walking in the Spirit and developing and expressing the fruit of the Spirit. …To carry out the works of the flesh is to walk contrary to what God has done in us in union with Christ and to go back to our old way of living in Adam.

-Paul also writes that, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit”. …Since we are alive to God and the Holy Spirit lives in us we should walk in the Spirit and not indulge the flesh. …God saved us and filled us with the Holy Spirit so that we could walk in the Spirit and no longer do the works of the flesh. …As Paul says in verse 26, “Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other”. …We are done with the old life in Adam. …We are done with sin in Christ. …We are to walk in fellowship with the Spirit and we are no longer to live by law or indulge the flesh.

-Choose each moment to yield to the Spirit of God.

Bow, to give your life to Christ or to yield afresh to the Holy Spirit.

-Next week I am going to try and summarize in point form all that we have discussed in the last 15 sessions on walking in the Spirit. …If you have any unanswered questions on this topic write them down or email them to me and I will try to answer them next week.

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