Transformed by the Glory of Christ – Acts 9:1-31

By John Bellingham on June 16, 2013
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Transformed by the Glory of Christ

Acts 9:1-31

-The story of Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus is one of the most startling events in the book of Acts.  So critical was this event within the unfolding mission of God that Luke tells it two more times in chapters 22 and 26

– Within Luke’s inspired narrative we see three life transforming encounters in the life of Saul:


I. Saul’s Transforming Encounter with Jesus Christ (vv. 1-9)

1)     Before Christ Saul was a violent terrorist

2)     God’s Call on the Damascus Road

a.       God’s call comes first

b.      God’s call confronts us with Christ’s glory

c.       God’s call leaves human pride in the dust

d.      God’s call is intensely personal

e.       God’s call is often the result of a process

f.        God’s call is always ‘effectual’ (John 6:37-40)

g.       God’s call entails a new responsibility (v. 15)

3)     Are you still in awe of God’s sovereign work of salvation in your life?


II. Saul’s Transforming Encounter with the Church (vv 10-19; 26-31)

1)     Saul is welcomed by Ananias (vv. 10-19)

a.       Ananias obeyed with fear and trembling!

b.      Ananias welcomed Saul into God’s family:

  • With kind action
  • With loving words
  • With hospitality

2)     Saul is introduced to the Jerusalem Church by Barnabus (vv. 26-31)

a.       Paul’s reputation as a terrorist still inspired fear three years after his conversion!

b.      Barnabus (‘Son of Encouragement’) lived up to his name in the way he treated Saul

3)     The example of Ananias and Barnabus in welcoming Saul into the Church sets an important standard for us here at Rosedale


III. Saul’s Transforming Encounter with the Lost (vv. 20-30)

1)     Saul’s evangelistic ministry to the Jew first and then to the Gentiles began right away

a.       His testimony inspired amazement in the Jewish synagogues of Damascus

b.      His ministry of gospel proclamation closely resembled the ministry of Stephen

c.       Saul ministered among the Gentiles for fourteen years in Arabia, Syria and Cilicia.

2)     Saul’s calling included humiliation and suffering for the name of Christ

a.       Escaped Damascus in a basket

b.      Death threats in Jerusalem

c.       Physical beatings in Syria and Cilicia

3)     Do we see our salvation as an end in itself or as a means to an even greater end?



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